
In circle L, arc OP is 45 degrees and the radius is 5 units. Which statement best describes the length of arc OP ?

Accepted Solution

Answer:The length of arc OP is 1/8 the circumference of the circleStep-by-step explanation:step 1Find the circumference of the circle LThe circumference is equal to[tex]C=2\pi r[/tex]we have[tex]r=5\ units[/tex]substitute[tex]C=2\pi (5)[/tex][tex]C=10\pi\ units[/tex]step 2Find the length of arc OPwe know that the circumference of the circle subtends a central angle of 360 degreessousing proportionFind out the length of the arc OP by a central angle of 45 degreesLetx -----> the length of arc OP[tex]\frac{10\pi}{360}=\frac{x}{45}\\\\x=10\pi(45)/360\\\\x=10\pi(\frac{1}{8})\ units[/tex]thereforeThe length of arc OP is 1/8 the circumference of the circle